Manufaktur : Princess
Negara : Korea
Diameter : 15.00 mm
Kadar air : 52 %
Ketipisan : 0.20 mm
Masa pakai : 12 bulan
-0.00 / -0.50 / -0.75 / -1.00 / -1.25 / -1.50 / -1.75 / -2.00 / -2.25 /
-2.50 / -2.75 / -3.00 / -3.25 / -3.50 / -3.75 / -4.00 / -4.25 / -4.50 /
-4.75 / -5.00 / -5.50 / -6.00 / -6.50 / -7.00 / -7.50 / -8.00
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- SMS to 0838 5171 6478 (SMS ONLY, NO CALL)
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